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Our Ear wash solution kills both yeast and odor- causing bacteria, while flushing out mites, ticks,
wax and dirt in your pups ears. It prevents itchiness and discomfort in ears and avoids ear
infections and trapped water in the ears.

Ear Wash

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  • Test on dogs' ears for reactions. Lift your dogs ear flap and squeeze enough of the cleaner to fill
    the canal. (If your dog wont let you do this, you can also soak a cotton ball or gauze in the
    cleaner and apply it that way, taking care not to go deeper than the length of your knuckle.) To
    prevent spreading any bacteria or yeast, don't let the tip of the bottle touch your dog's ear.
    Massage the base of your dog's ear for about 30 seconds to distribute the cleanser throughout
    the canal. You may hear a squishing sound as the cleanser breaks up wax and debris. Never use
    a Q-tip to remove the solution from the ear canal. Doing so can damage the ear canal and/or ear
    drum or push debris further into the ear canal. Repeat the process on the other ear and be sure to
    give your pup lots of love after you and you're done!

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