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About Us

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Motivation Behind

K9 Serenity (SKY)

I once had a dog name Sky Dancer Baker. I rescued her at just 4 weeks old. Abandoned by her previous owner. I feel in love with her and then she became family. Sky had horrible allergies!! She was allergic to life as one would say. It was environmental, seasonal, diet related, flea and so on. Sky suffered with her allergies so bad that she would develop sores and would bleed from biting and scratching on herself. She would be out of breath and lose sleep from scratching day and night. Her skin would become infected due to her scratching and biting herself. She was always so fatigue from scratching and rubbing her body on everything that would provide her temporary comfort. It broke my soul to watch her suffer.

We would give her Benadryl as needed but I would hate to see her always groggy or doped up from meds. So, we reached out to her vet to see what other options we could try to help provide Sky with some relief and comfort. We tried a food trial, which was very pricey. Then we tried to wash her beddings with a specific washing detergent to rule out irritation from cloth. We then changed the treats we gave her. Following changing her shampoo to a gentler shampoo. Even paid for an expensive medicated shampoo, which helped temporarily.

She then begins to receive allergy shots quite often. And invested in a tons of allergy medication prescribed by her veterinarian. Lastly, we even ripped our grass from the back yard and replaced it with a different grain of grass to help with her relief. Changed her flea medication so we could rule out flea allergies. I gotten so tired of seeing Sky suffer. I eventually did my own research to see what natural ways to help her to cope with her allergy problem.

I researched some natural holistic ingredients and a few essential oils that I mixed up and made some oils, sprays, shampoos, and conditioners that I applied and massaged on Sky.


I wanted to find a more natural and holistic way of treating her. And I found that these natural, dog safe ingredients gave Sky some relief and started to provide her with healing from her allergy’s, wounds, and skin infections. She stopped biting herself and wasn’t scratching anymore. She finally started to get some rest and appeared happier. After witnessing how well these natural holistic products worked with Sky, I started to share these ingredients and products with family and friends’ dogs. And of course, it helps and healed them as well. So eventually I decided to create an online store and make my products that helped Sky with her allergies and share them with other dogs that may be suffering as well. Sky is the motivation and inspiration behind the creation of K9 Serenity Holistic Pet Product Line online store. Sky passed away at age 13 years old. Her memory still lives on through the company and in our hearts.

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